Silver Server - 4.1.8

November 2, 2009
1920 ~ 1940

[Granado Espada 4.1.8]

1. Replaced Baphomet Horn (7 days) wing costume from Premium Treasure Service's Saturday Item Selection with Golden Phoenix Wings (7 days) wing costume.

2. Removed Baphomet Horn wing costume from Legendary Treasure Box drop-list.

3. Removed Character Symbol that showed 5-element buff icon together.
- fixed an issue with Character Symbol appearing wrongly.

4. Fixed an issue with abnormal stat increase and decrease.
- bug with Militant and Psychic skills fixed in 4.1.7 may reappear.

5. Fixed an issue with Event-use Progressive potions not registering on the Expansion Slot.

6. Fixed an issue with new pioneering families not awarded with Event-use Progressive potions.

7. Fixed an issue with NPC Lorch not providing the Furuholmen Shield Potion at the end of the conversation after supplied with the raw materials.



3. Not sure what this is referring to. Likely some minor UI change.

4. Major bug exploit. Details excluded for obvious reasons. Please do not exploit bugs.